
03/03/2025 - 03/09/2025


5:00pm - 6:00pm

Jr. Grapplers

Jeffery Martinez


The Gracie Character Development Program consists of six chapters: Responsibility, Health, Respect, Citizenship, Manners, and Caring. We spend two months on each chapter. In every class, we discuss the featured character trait for 10-15 minutes, emphasizing the simple things your child can do to make it a part of their life.

Chapter 4: Escapes

Chapter 4: Escapes

Being able to escape from dangerous holds and positions is a core component of jiu-jitsu. Teach the kids as many essential escapes as you can but focus more on the “what” and “how” and less on the “why” of each technique.

6:00pm - 7:00pm

Gracie Combatives

Jeffery Martinez
Class 13 - Armbar - Guard | Clinch (Aggressive Opponent)

Class 13 - Armbar - Guard | Clinch (Aggressive Opponent)

Armbar - Guard
The most common type of attack you will encounter from an opponent who is trapped inside your guard is a punch to the face. Once they realize that they can’t effectively punch you they will try to get access to your neck or face by any means necessary. Whenever someone attacks your neck or face from within your guard, they are giving you the opportunity to catch them in a Straight Armlock. In this lesson you will learn two variations of the Straight Armlock as well as what to do if the opponent escapes by pulling their arm out.
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Clinch (Aggressive Opponent)
Most martial arts rely heavily on the use of strikes to defeat the opponent. This strategy may work against a smaller opponent, but is very risky against a larger, more athletic opponent who could potentially knock you out each time you put yourself in range to strike them. The best strategy is to establish a clinch and take the fight to the ground where you can conserve energy, neutralize strikes, and win the fight with ease. The key to establishing a clinch on an aggressive opponent is to understand that there are two safe distances in a fight: all the way out, or all the way in.
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Gracie Combatives

President's Day

7:00pm - 8:30pm

Master Cycle (No-Gi)

Jeffery Martinez Book


4:00pm - 5:00pm

Little Champs

Jeffery Martinez


The Gracie Character Development Program consists of six chapters: Responsibility, Health, Respect, Citizenship, Manners, and Caring. We spend two months on each chapter. In every class, we discuss the featured character trait for 10-15 minutes, emphasizing the simple things your child can do to make it a part of their life.

Chapter 4: Escapes

Chapter 4: Escapes

Being able to escape from dangerous holds and positions is a core component of jiu-jitsu. Teach the kids as many essential escapes as you can but focus more on the “what” and “how” and less on the “why” of each technique.

5:00pm - 6:00pm

Black Belt Club

Jeffery Martinez
6:00pm - 7:00pm

Women Empowered

Laura Alina Martinez
Class 10 - Rear Bear Hug Defenses (2 variations) | Guillotine Choke (Standing | Guard Pull)

Class 10 - Rear Bear Hug Defenses (2 variations) | Guillotine Choke (Standing | Guard Pull)

A surprise attack from behind is one of the most challenging attacks to overcome. In this lesson, we teach you how to defend when someone attempts to choke you or bear hug you from behind. If we can wrap our sneaky arms around his neck, we have several reliable chokes that can help us end the fight. In this lesson, we will learn the Guillotine Choke for when the attacker lowers his head to tackle you.

Rear Bear Hug Defenses (2 variations):
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Guillotine Choke (Standing/Guard Pull):
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7:00pm - 8:00pm

Gracie Combatives

Scott Alexander
Class 08 - Elevator Sweep - Guard | Rear Takedown

Class 08 - Elevator Sweep - Guard | Rear Takedown


Elevator Sweep - Guard
If you can’t maintain the mount, use the guard to control your opponent. While trapped in your guard, an unskilled larger opponent may attempt to drive their weight forward onto your upper torso, in an attempt to immobilize your or submit you with their body weight. Little do they know, because they are inside your legs, their weight is distributed in such a way that it makes it quite easy to withstand the forward pressure. In fact, any time a larger opponent is driving all their weight forward from within your guard, there is a good chance that they are actually creating an opportunity for the Elevator Sweep. In this lesson you will learn two variations of the Elevator Sweep starting with the Standard Variation.
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Rear Takedown
When you establish the clinch, your opponent’s arm may end up over your head. In some cases it happens inadvertently, in other cases it’s a deliberate attempt to catch you in a Guillotine Choke. Either way, any time your head ends up under your opponent’s arm, you can use it to transition into the Rear Clinch control position, from where you can set up the Rear Takedown. In this lesson you will learn how to transition from front to back of your opponent as well as how to take them down once you get there.
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5:00pm - 6:00pm

Jr. Grapplers

Jeffery Martinez


The Gracie Character Development Program consists of six chapters: Responsibility, Health, Respect, Citizenship, Manners, and Caring. We spend two months on each chapter. In every class, we discuss the featured character trait for 10-15 minutes, emphasizing the simple things your child can do to make it a part of their life.

Chapter 4: Escapes

Chapter 4: Escapes

Being able to escape from dangerous holds and positions is a core component of jiu-jitsu. Teach the kids as many essential escapes as you can but focus more on the “what” and “how” and less on the “why” of each technique.

7:00pm - 8:00pm

Master Cycle

Master Cycle Chapter: Side Mount- Controls

Master Cycle Chapter: Side Mount- Controls

8:00pm - 8:30pm

Master Cycle Sparring (Gi)


3:30pm - 4:30pm

Mat Munchkins

Jeffery Martinez
5:00pm - 6:00pm

Black Belt Club

Jeffery Martinez
6:00pm - 7:00pm

Reflex Development

Reflex Development - Mount Focus

Reflex Development - Mount Focus


Reflex Development - Mount Focus Class Preview

In this class we'll bring together all of the mount controls, escapes, and submissions with some extra details, bonus slices, and scripted fight simulation drills that will help prepare you for your transition into Master Cycle!

Gracie Combatives Test - Drill 1: Mount Techniques
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5:00pm - 6:00pm

Teen Jiu-Jitsu

6:00pm - 7:00pm

MC Fundamentals Positional Sparring

Master Cycle Chapter: Guard- Sweeps

Master Cycle Chapter: Guard- Sweeps

MC Fundamentals Positional Sparring

* Belt Level Minimum: White Belt with 3 Stripes and above. 


9:00am - 10:00am

Master Cycle

10:00am - 11:00am

Gracie Combatives

Class 15 - Headlock Escape 2 - Side Mount | Clinch (Conservative Opponent)

Class 15 - Headlock Escape 2 - Side Mount | Clinch (Conservative Opponent)


Headlock Escape 2 - Side Mount
Headlocks are one of the most common attacks in street fights. If you can anticipate the headlock before it happens, chances are you will be able to use Headlock Escape 1, the Frame Escape, to neutralize the threat. If you are caught by surprise, and don’t have enough time to use the first option, you can resort to the option number two - the Leg Hook Escape. In this lesson, you will learn the Standard Leg Hook escape along with two variations that you might need if the opponent resists.
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Clinch (Conservative Opponent)
The goal in a fight is to avoid getting knocked out, establish the clinch, and get the fight to the ground where we can neutralize the opponent with greater efficiency. The easiest time to do this is when your opponent commits to attacking you aggressively. For this reason, it is best to keep the distance and wait for their attack if at all possible. In the event that your opponent approaches you conservatively during the fight, and you would like to close the distance, you can use the “surprise entry” method to establish the clinch.
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11:00am - 12:00pm

Women Empowered

Laura Alina Martinez
Class 11 - Hair Grab Defenses (Standing | Guard | Guard Pull | Hair Drag)

Class 11 - Hair Grab Defenses (Standing | Guard | Guard Pull | Hair Drag)

Whether you’re being attacked by a man or another woman, getting your hair grabbed can greatly reduce your mobility and leverage in a fight. In this lesson, we teach you how to defend against the most common hair grabs, whether standing or on the ground, starting with a Standing Armlock that turns their grab into your submission opportunity!

Hair Grab Defenses (Standing/Guard/Guard Pull/Hair Drag):
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12:00pm - 2:00pm

Gracie Game Day



The Gracie Character Development Program consists of six chapters: Responsibility, Health, Respect, Citizenship, Manners, and Caring. We spend two months on each chapter. In every class, we discuss the featured character trait for 10-15 minutes, emphasizing the simple things your child can do to make it a part of their life.

12:00pm - 1:00pm

Jr. Grapplers



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